Redondo iberia

Things always turn out differently than planned. My original start date in mid-May kept getting delayed. Now I’ll probably have to prepare myself for some long trips. I want to reach the Bay of Biscay by mid-August. Well, you’ll see it here.

Extra menu item: A different travel narrative

First menu item: Wedel – Cherbourg

Second menu item: Cherbourg – La Rochelle

Third menu item: La Rochelle – A Coruna

Forth menu item: Galicia

Fifth menu item: Portugal Norte

Sixth menu item: Portugal de Sud

Seventh menu item: Andalucia

Eighth menu item: Murcia and Valencia

Ninth menu item: Catalonia

Tenth menu item: South of France

Elevens menu item: Atlantic-Biscay

Twelves menu item: Roscoff – Calais

Thirteenth menu item: Nieuwpoort – Wedel

Unfortunately, there are technical problems with embedding the videos. Almost everything has been restored for the German and English versions, but unfortunately it will take a while for the French and Spanish versions.